ast_toolbox.simulators package

Simulator wrappers to formulate validation as an AST RL problem

class ast_toolbox.simulators.ASTSimulator(blackbox_sim_state=True, open_loop=True, fixed_initial_state=True, max_path_length=50)[source]

Bases: object

Class template to wrap a simulator for interaction with AST.

This class already tracks the simulator options to return the correct observation type. In addition, max_path_length and self._path_length are handled by this parent class.

  • blackbox_sim_state (bool, optional) – True if the true simulation state can not be observed, in which case actions and the initial conditions are used as the observation. False if the simulation state can be observed, in which case it will be used.
  • open_loop (bool, optional) – True if the simulation is open-loop, meaning that AST must generate all actions ahead of time, instead of being able to output an action in sync with the simulator, getting an observation back before the next action is generated. False to get interactive control, which requires that blackbox_sim_state is also False.
  • fixed_init_state (bool, optional) – True if the initial state is fixed, False to sample the initial state for each rollout from the observaation space.
  • max_path_length (int, optional) – Maximum length of a single rollout.

Clone the simulator state for later resetting.

This function is used in conjunction with restore_state for Go-Explore and Backwards Algorithm to do their deterministic resets.

Returns:array_like – An array of all the simulation state variables.

User implemented function to step the simulation forward in time when closed-loop control is active.

This function should step the simulator forward a single timestep based on the given action. It will only be called when open_loop is False. This function should always return self.observation_return().

Parameters:action (array_like) – A 1-D array of actions taken by the AST Solver which deterministically control a single step forward in the simulation.
Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, determined by the settings and the observation_return helper function.

Returns any info needed by the reward function to calculate the current reward.


Returns whether the current state is in the goal set. :returns: bool – True if current state is in goal set.


Returns whether rollout horizon has been reached. :returns: bool – True if rollout horizon has been reached.


perform any logging steps


Helper function to return the correct observation based on settings.

Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, which is either from the simulator if open_loop is False and blackbox_sim_state is True, or else the initial conditions.

Either renders a simulation scene or returns data used for external rendering.

Parameters:kwargs – Keyword arguments used in the simulators render function.

Resets the state of the environment, returning an initial observation.

User implementations should always call the super class implementation. This function should always return self.observation_return().

Parameters:s_0 (array_like) – The initial conditions to reset the simulator to.
Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, determined by the settings and the observation_return helper function.

Reset the simulation deterministically to a previously cloned state.

This function is used in conjunction with clone_state for Go-Explore and Backwards Algorithm to do their deterministic resets.

Parameters:in_simulator_state (array_like) – An array of all the simulation state variables.
simulate(actions, s_0)[source]

Run a full simulation given the AST solver’s actions and initial conditions.

simulate takes in the AST solver’s actions and the initial conditions. It should return two values: a terminal index and an array of relevant simulation information.

  • actions (list[array_like]) – A sequential list of actions taken by the AST Solver which deterministically control the simulation.
  • s_0 (array_like) – An array specifying the initial conditions to set the simulator to.

  • terminal_index (int) – The index of the action that resulted in a state in the goal set E. If no state is found terminal_index should be returned as -1.
  • array_like – An array of relevant simulator info, which can then be used for analysis or diagnostics.


Step the simulation forward in time.

step takes in a the actions that deterministically control a single step forward in the simulation. It checks to see if the rollout horizon has been reached, and then calls closed_loop_step if the simulation is set to open_loop == False.

Parameters:action (array_like) – A 1-D array of actions taken by the AST Solver which deterministically control a single step forward in the simulation.
Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, which is either from the simulator if open_loop is False and blackbox_sim_state is True, or else the initial conditions.
class ast_toolbox.simulators.ExampleAVSimulator(num_peds=1, simulator_args=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ast_toolbox.simulators.ast_simulator.ASTSimulator

Example simulator wrapper for a scenario of an AV approaching a crosswalk where some pedestrians are crossing.

Wraps ast_toolbox.simulators.example_av_simulator.ToyAVSimulator

  • num_peds (int) – Number of pedestrians crossing the street.
  • simulator_args (dict) – Dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the wrapped simulator.
  • kwargs – Keyword arguments passed to the super class.

Clone the simulator state for later resetting.

This function is used in conjunction with restore_state for Go-Explore and Backwards Algorithm to do their deterministic resets.

Returns:array_like – An array of all the simulation state variables.

User implemented function to step the simulation forward in time when closed-loop control is active.

This function should step the simulator forward a single timestep based on the given action. It will only be called when open_loop is False. This function should always return self.observation_return().

Parameters:action (array_like) – A 1-D array of actions taken by the AST Solver which deterministically control a single step forward in the simulation.
Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, determined by the settings and the observation_return helper function.

An initialization method used in Go-Explore.

Returns:array_like – A 1-D array of the same dimension as the action space, all zeros.

Returns any info needed by the reward function to calculate the current reward.


Returns whether the current state is in the goal set. :returns: bool – True if current state is in goal set.


Perform any logging steps.


Resets the state of the environment, returning an initial observation.

User implementations should always call the super class implementation. This function should always return self.observation_return().

Parameters:s_0 (array_like) – The initial conditions to reset the simulator to.
Returns:array_like – An observation from the timestep, determined by the settings and the observation_return helper function.

Reset the simulation deterministically to a previously cloned state.

This function is used in conjunction with clone_state for Go-Explore and Backwards Algorithm to do their deterministic resets.

Parameters:in_simulator_state (array_like) – An array of all the simulation state variables.
simulate(actions, s_0)[source]

Run a full simulation given the AST solver’s actions and initial conditions.

simulate takes in the AST solver’s actions and the initial conditions. It should return two values: a terminal index and an array of relevant simulation information.

  • actions (list[array_like]) – A sequential list of actions taken by the AST Solver which deterministically control the simulation.
  • s_0 (array_like) – An array specifying the initial conditions to set the simulator to.

  • terminal_index (int) – The index of the action that resulted in a state in the goal set E. If no state is found terminal_index should be returned as -1.
  • array_like – An array of relevant simulator info, which can then be used for analysis or diagnostics.